Rujia Wang


We will be using Piazza/Blackboard to post detailed schedule/course notes.

CS 595 Emerging Topics in Computer Architecture(Spring 2019)

Lecture: M/W 3:15PM–4:30PM at SB 213


As we are living in the post Moore-law era, the technology scaling difficulties as well as the emerging applications bring us many challenges in designing low power and high-performance general purpose computing platforms. This course will cover several design challenges and introduce the trend in current computer architecture and system design. We will cover several advanced topics such as memory-centric computing, accelerators design, system security considerations.

The course will be divided into two parts: the first half will focus on the fundamentals of computer architecture concepts, which help the student to understand the advanced topics; the second half will be research paper presentation by student and in class discussion. Students will learn how to evaluate design decisions in the context of past, current, and future application requirements and technology constraints. A term paper which may be a survey paper or a project proposal is required at the end of the course.

CS 695 Ph.D. Seminar(Spring 2019)


This course is required for all Ph.D. students in computer science and will expose the students to presentations from senior people in computer science from industry, government labs, and academia. The course will involve outside invited speakers, written summaries of presentations, and short oral presentations by the students. Students must complete a review for each seminar, within 12 hours of the seminar. The link to the form will be posted on the Piazza. Late submissions will be penalized 25% for every 24 hour period they are late. Submissions will not be accepted after 3.5 days as the penalties will make the submission be worth 0 points.

Seminars will be posted on Piazza ahead of time, and students will be expected to attend. These will not necessarily occur weekly.

Past Semesters

  • CS 350 : Computer Organization and Assembly Languages (Fall 2018).
Last updated on January 14, 2019